Does the price of products sold at Ninuda include VAT?
All products sold at Ninuda include VAT.
How to recognize genuine products?
Ninuda is committed to always selling new and genuine products, you can rest assured about the origin and quality of the products.
The product is out of stock but I still want to buy it, can Ninuda help place an order?

Ninuda will receive your purchase request and contact the support industry.
- Suppliers still have products: Ninuda supports ordering for you.
- Products discontinued / suppliers out of stock: Ninuda will advise you on equivalent new models.

Products at Ninuda are very diverse and rich, how do I choose the right product for me?

The sales department will rely on your actual usage needs to advise on suitable products.

I want to buy a large quantity of products to serve my needs, does Ninuda have enough goods to supply?

Ninuda always meets all customer requirements. Depending on the model and quantity of products you buy, the sales staff will exchange specific information.


How will I know when delivery will arrive?

Before delivery, Ninuda's delivery staff will contact customers 15 or 30 minutes in advance.

Do I have to follow any procedures when receiving the goods?

Ninuda would like to answer yes. When receiving the goods, you must carefully check the goods, warranty papers, accessories and accompanying gifts... and sign for confirmation. If you discover any product defects or errors, you must immediately notify the delivery staff or sales staff for timely handling.

Once an order is placed successfully, how long will it take to receive the goods?

For central areas near supermarket branches, we will deliver on the same day, while those far from the center can deliver within 1 to 2 days. Nearby provinces deliver from 3 to 5 days, International delivery from 5 to 15 days.

Note: On days with large promotional programs, delivery time may be slower than usual due to the large number of orders. In particular, if you need urgent delivery, we can prioritize immediate delivery for you.

I want to change the delivery address, is it possible?

Ninuda would like to answer Yes. If you purchase goods at Ninuda in any form, please immediately contact the sales consulting hotline (+1) 657 377 5797 for us to update. Before delivery, the delivery staff will call you to confirm the final delivery time and address.

I am the buyer, but what happens when the goods are delivered to a place where I am not at home?
In case you are not at home, you can ask a family member to sign for the product and pay the remaining amount (if any). Please leave the name and phone number of the consignee so that the staff can contact you when the goods arrive.
Delivery on weekends and holidays?

Ninuda accepts delivery and installation every day of the week (including holidays and Sundays). But if there are exceptional and unexpected circumstances during that time, Ninuda will call and reschedule you as soon as possible.


Where can the damaged product be repaired?

Ninuda supports product warranty and repair through many channels. You can contact Hotline (+1) 657 377 5797, send an email to baohanh@ninuda.com, send a message on Facebook or directly bring the product to the customer care center at Ninuda.

I bought a product at Ninuda to use abroad, but unfortunately the product malfunctions, am I covered by warranty?
All products sold at Ninuda are genuine. Depending on the policy, each company will have appropriate support for you.
Is there repair support for products that are out of warranty?

Please contact Hotline (+1) 657 377 5797, send email to baohanh@ninuda.com or send a message on Facebook for support.

What is the warranty if I do not have a warranty card or lose my purchase receipt?

Ninuda warrants the product based on the purchase invoice. If you lose your invoice, you can contact us via Hotline (+1) 657 377 5797, Ninuda staff will check the information and assist.

When sending a warranty product to the center, do I need to prepare any documents or information?

Please provide your invoice or purchase phone number information for center staff to check and advise and support.

How do I know if the product has been repaired and where can I receive it?

When the product is under warranty or repaired, Ninuda will text or call to notify you of the product status.

Is the data information on the product when sent for warranty guaranteed to be intact until it is returned?

Before receiving products from customers, Ninuda staff will record detailed machine status as well as warn about data risks (if any), helping customers have an overall view and make faster decisions.

Do I have the right to request a re-examination of the product after it is under warranty?

Before receiving the warranty product back, you have the right to request staff to inspect the product.


The product is still under warranty but I don't want to use it anymore, will Ninuda take it back?

Unfortunately, Ninuda does not have a policy to take back old products.

I placed an order and paid successfully on the website, but the order was canceled due to out of stock, so how will I get my money back and how long will it take?

I placed an order and paid successfully on the website, but the order was canceled due to out of stock, so how will I get my money back and how long will it take? If the order is canceled for any reason, the staff will process a refund to your account. Refund time 7 - 10 working days.

Can I buy online but receive goods at the center/store? Can I buy online but receive goods at the center/store?

When ordering online, you can still receive the product at the center/store and participate in online discounts (if any).

I want to check my placed order, what should I do? Where to check?
If you have registered an account before ordering, please log in to the website with the following link https://ninuda.com/my-account To check your order, or contact Hotline (+1) 657 377 5797, staff will check order details for you.
I have completed payment of the invoice but lost the receipt, how should I contact?

Please contact the center/store where you purchased or call Hotline +1 657 377 5797 to report information. Staff will record information and assist with handling.